Google’s October 2023 Core Algorithm Update And How it Affects SEO

Google’s October 2023 Core Algorithm Update And How it Affects SEO

Google’s October 2023 Core Algorithm Update And How it Affects SEO – 2023 seems to be a big year for Google, with the brand rolling out 3 core algorithm updates, the latest one having just been released.

Yes, the third core update to Google’s search ranking and algorithm systems was executed at the start of October and followed the next few weeks. The previous updates were held in August and March.

As is the case with all of Google’s core updates, the latest one took multiple weeks to be completed, demanding patience and perseverance on the part of users and brands. The fluctuations and inconsistencies related to rankings are expected to continue for a little while, as the search engine’s ranking systems respond and get accustomed to the new norms.

Google’s October 2023 Core Algorithm

Experts in SEO services in Chicago, and the world over, are trying to learn the new ways of the system and figure out best practices to work in conjunction with Google.

What is a Google Core Algorithm Update and How Does it Affect SEO?

Google typically releases a few updates in a year to improve the quality of search rankings and to provide more relevant results to users. It is also done to make itself better immune against malpractices, games, and strategies that attempt to rig the results.

Google Core Algorithm Update

These updates can be of different kinds such as helpful content system updates, reviews updates, spam updates, and many more, including core algorithm updates.

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A core algorithm update is one of the most crucial updates that Google releases a few times a year to strengthen its ranking system and make it more efficient. For the same reason, these can greatly affect the results it displays on its SERP.

This means, as a brand, it can have a direct impact on your previous rankings, and on your visibility. It is important to understand and study the nuances of these updates and analyze the implications to stay relevant and visible at all times.

This is exactly why, as experienced providers of SEO services Chicago, we advise our brands to regularly review and update their web content, to comply with the algorithm changes, improve the value being provided, and stay relevant.

The Impact of a Core Algorithm Update on SEO

Google’s core algorithm updates are rolled out a few times a year, targeting various aspects of optimization and rankings, such as content quality, backlinks, semantic search, etc. Called by names like Google Panda, Google Penguin, and Google Hummingbird, these changes can significantly affect your rank on Google’s SERPs as a brand.

With the latest core update underway, here are a few aspects related to SEO that can have a profound impact on your rankings. These are the elements to focus on and improve on, should you notice a drop or a significant fluctuation.

Quality of Content


It goes without saying that Google continues to emphasize the quality, relevance, and value of the content being shared on the internet. This means you need to continue your efforts in publishing well-researched, informative, and authoritative content related to your industry. Websites with low-value content, or content with a lack of depth may, as a result, find their rankings declining with core algorithm updates.

User Experience

Core updates may consider making access to useful content easier and effortless for users. This means the search engine will prioritize websites that offer superior experience. Factors such as page load times, ease of navigation, a sensible interface, mobile responsiveness, and quality of web design, are all elements that enhance the user experience, which is why you need to stay on top of these.

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Page Speed

Page Speed

Page speed is yet another crucial element that impacts the ranking of your website. The search engine naturally boosts fast-loading web pages, in an effort to provide a positive experience to users. The Google Page Experience update also considers factors like Core Web Vitals which play an important role in the website’s user experience. Hence, in a way, the page speed and experience elements overlap.

Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EEAT)

Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EEAT)

Google favors expert, experienced, authoritative, and trustworthy publishers online. This means you need to establish ample credibility and expertise with valuable and expert-level content related to your industry. The search engine seeks to boost the visibility of the most relevant and reliable websites.

Quality of Links

Quality of Links

Core algorithm updates can involve significant changes to the way Google evaluates backlinks on websites. This is to thwart unfair attempts to rig the rankings by brands engaging in spammy, manipulative, and irrelevant backlinking practices. As a credible and trustworthy brand, your aim should always be to acquire relevant, high-quality, and sensible backlinks. Experienced and ethical professionals in SEO services in Chicago can help you with that.

Voice Search

Voice Search

Google’s ranking systems have recently been changing to accommodate more relevant results for voice searches. As more users prefer the service, it makes sense for Google to optimize its ranking systems to favor voice searches. Hence, you need to make sure your content is easy for Google’s systems to interpret through voice searches.

Freshness of Content

Freshness of Content

Core updates may lead Google to focus on deriving fresh and up-to-date content. This means it would rank more recently updated information first, over older ones. As a brand, it implies that you need to constantly and regularly publish fresh, valuable, and relevant content for users at all times.

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Local SEO
Local SEO

Local SEO is another crucial element affected by core algorithm updates, directly impacting localized search results and local businesses. This implies that you need to optimize your local visibility and overall online presence to favor local searches.


Recently Google introduced the practice of mobile-first indexing, as a response to more people using a mobile device for their searches. This means Google considers the mobile versions of most websites for indexing and ranking purposes first, implying that you need to inevitably invest in making your website mobile-responsive and fast-loading on mobile devices as well, to rank better.

Tips to Adapt to Core Updates and Improve Rankings

While algorithm core updates can be difficult to navigate through, staying on top of your SEO game can definitely help. Here are some quick tips to help you in your ranking journey.

  • Keep up with industry best practices and exercise tried and tested strategies
  • Update your website content regularly with high-quality, relevant information
  • Track and monitor website performance metrics at all times and make efforts to correct any significant fluctuations if there are any
  • Check backlinks regularly and make sure they are legit and high-quality
  • Audit technical SEO elements and make improvements regularly
  • Prioritize building a connection with your audience through your online channels, and regularly share expert-level authoritative content to establish trust and credibility
Count on Experts in SEO services in Chicago to Stay on Top of Core Algorithm Updates

The most important thing to practice when navigating a core algorithm update is patience. Some of the changes in the algorithm can also work well for your brand if you play the cards right. Hence, it is best to wait a few weeks for the update to completely roll out and analyze the changes in the rankings. Study the metrics and work on improving them carefully.

If you wish to navigate Google core updates more efficiently, with expert knowledge and industry best practices, contact our team today.

Our professionals have high-level experience delivering SEO services in Chicago and are well-versed in the science of algorithms. They can help you stay on the positive side of SEO at all times.

Also visit our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channels for more information.

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